EY | Careers

Starting your career with EY is the first step toward achieving your potential. Our development framework is called EYU – EY and you – and it provides you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to take ownership of your career.

Your development is at the heart of our culture. It contributes to an engaging and positive workplace, provides opportunities to reward and recognize you, and helps deliver a differentiated service to our clients. In short, it is the foundation of success – yours and ours. Of course, the pace is fast and the work can be challenging, but there’s a lot of support too.

There are three key aspects to your development here: Learning, Experiences and Coaching. Use the tabs to explore what each of them means.

Learn the way that works for you

There are two parts to our global learning curriculum. The first is designed to build your general business skills and acumen. The second is designed to constantly refresh and enhance your technical skills across our service lines so you can provide an enhanced service and in turn form better client relationships. Aside from business skills you’ll learn much about building relationships and leading people.

We currently offer more than 16,000 courses on our learning management system. Much of the learning we offer is web-based, and much of it can be tailored to suit both your practical needs and the direction your career is headed.

Whichever direction your career at EY takes, we have a number of milestone learning events to mark your progress, from Welcome to EY as a new joiner to the New Partner Program.

The events, encounters and opportunities that will shape your career

We know that the most enriching and career-enhancing experiences are gained on the job, and we recognize this as a formal part of our career development framework. We do all we can to help you get the experiences you need.

With that in mind, our service lines plan assignments in ways that not only give our clients high-quality service, but also provide all our people with the best environment for their career development.

Working globally

Client secondments, cross-border and cross-service-line placements, both short- and long-term, domestic and international, are a real possibility. This enables you to work in different environments, which offer exciting and challenging experiences through a wide variety of assignments. This is mainly applicable on completion of articles and passing both parts of the board exam.

It will help you develop an inclusive mindset and thrive in an increasingly global market while matching our clients’ needs.

We also encourage you to use your professional skills to give back to the community. This will not only benefit others but will also add to your career and your life – enhancing your leadership, communication or project-management skills.

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