McKinsey & Company

McKinsey Angola

Angola is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. McKinsey is helping deliver critical infrastructure, reform institutions, and accelerate business development.

Since 2007, McKinsey has played an active role in Angola’s reconstruction and modernization, contributing to the country’s rapid development and to Africa’s economic rebirth. We support government in expanding key infrastructure and driving institutional reform, and we help international and Angolan companies play their part in the accelerated growth of the business sector. Our work spans multiple industries, including oil and gas, financial services, telecommunications, transport, and retail. McKinsey’s work in Angola is supported by consultants from our offices around the world, as well as a fast-growing cohort of Angolan nationals.

McKinsey Cairo

McKinsey Cairo helps Egypt’s leading institutions strengthen development, build winning businesses in key sectors, and unlock its tremendous human potential.

We work with senior leaders to shape and implement improvement strategies in key sectors, like healthcare, investment and tourism, and transportation. We also help major Egyptian and multinational businesses navigate the country’s economic challenges, drive growth, and build long-term success—across key industries, including banking, telecoms, energy, and consumer goods.

McKinsey Nigeria

We are helping Nigeria accelerate growth, develop leaders and strengthen its institutions.

With 170 million people, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, and its economy is one of the world’s fastest growing. Since 2002, McKinsey has played an active part in driving this growth and accelerating development. Our team of highly qualified consultants, from Nigeria and around the world, helps government leaders reform key institutions, build skills, expand infrastructure, and shape the growth of major economic sectors. And we help leading Nigerian companies win as regional and global champions, and multinationals build high-impact African operations.

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