Collaboration between Ghana's public and private sectors is crucial for growth

28 June 2019

Speaking at a roundtable conference at an EU-Ghana business forum in Accra, Founder of WestBlue Consulting Valentina Mintah has called for collaboration between the government and the private sector in order to truly drive economic growth in Ghana to reach its true potential.  

In recent years, Ghana has emerged as a politically stable country that is set to become a major driver of growth in the region of West Africa. In this scenario, there appears to be general consensus amongst all segments of the economy around the priorities for the country growing forward.

One example of this is the focus on domestic small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as the unit for growth. The government has engaged in a number of targeted initiatives to ensure growth within the SME sector, while a number of private organisations have been working to train young entrepreneurs.

Ghana EU Business Forum

According to Valentina Mintah, while the priorities appear to be common, there is a need for greater active collaboration between the public and the private sectors. Mintah refers primarily to the regulatory enablement and benefits that the government has to offer when it comes to domestic businesses.

Mintah’s address came at an EU-Ghana forum, and the theme of her speech was, ‘The way forward: Establishing priorities for the political, institutional, regulatory and operational frameworks in order to boost investment for job creation in Ghana.’ The overall objective of the seminar was to promote greater foreign investment into Ghana. 

Having previously elucidated the potential of Ghana to become a tech hub for Western Africa, Mintah acknowledged a number of positive aspects in the current economic scenario, including the shared vision across the public and private sectors, and the clearly identified priorities.

“The continuous monitoring and evaluation of this framework will certainly set the pace for all parties – individually and collectively, locally and internationally – to realise the investment boom and job-creation so desired,” said Mintah. The framework she refers to is one that is based on clear Key Performance Indicators.